Email Alert Settings For Smart Phones & Tablets Got Easy!

Email alert settings has become part of effective communication strategy in our world today! The way the world communicate presently is different compared to what it was a decade ago. The business strategist will tell you that “the money is in the mail”.  Emails are so important to businesses this days that they can do anything to make sure they don’t miss it! Well, this may sound strange to you but that’s just the truth.  Its easier for entrepreneurs to follow up their clients this way because mails are easy to get through without having to bore their clients with calls.

Why Email Alert Settings?

Have you ever wondered why most sites you visit ask you to subscribe? This is even best practice with the YouTube Channels! The moment you hit “Subscribe”, you are in.  What follows then? You start receiving alerts or notifications each time they  release a video or something that might interest you. In the same way organisations, businesses, and site owners who want to get in touch with you via electronic means will require that you subscribe or sign up for useful newsletters that might be helpful to you. The subscriptions to these  mailing suggestions is helpful to you both, but this effort will be useless and a waste of time and resources if you miss important mails because you have not set up your phone to get notified when you have a landing email.

Do We Need Email Alert Settings?

An email alert setting is not an option anymore, its something necessary and its easy to setup. In this article, you will learn how to quickly setup your phone to start receiving mails with notifications as they land!

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Everyone needs this settings activated just the way its important to setup your phone’s ringtone. Imagine using a phone that has an earpiece problem that makes it impossible to hear sound, that sucks you know!

Lets Set Up Yours Now!

The following settings will allow you to start receiving instant alert whenever an email is delivered to your inbox.

1  From your home screen, click on the gmail icon
2  Go to settings and then click on any email
    account displayed
3  Check “Notification” so as ….
4  To activate inbox sound and vibrate
5  And finally, choose your preferred alert tone

After taking the above steps, you should now be able to start hearing alerts whenever an email drops in.

Recommended: 5 Hottest Settings On Your Phone Will Amaze You!

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