How To Resolve Adsence Ad Crawler Errors

adsence crawler errorsIn this post, I will be showing you how to resolve adsence ad crawler errors. If you are a site owner, or blog administrator, you will at one time or the other experience lots and lots of challenges in managing your blog.

Base on my experience managing cute mobiletech blog, I have come to conclusion that its best to anticipate problems and look for their solution right on time just in case the unexpected happens. Googles’ adsence ad crawler errors do happens for several reasons already covered inside adsence blog.

Adsence Ad Crawler Errors Can Affects Your Revenue

It just shows up on your adsence dashboard with a line of warning like this: “You have ad crawler errors which can result in lost revenue”. This line of clause can get you worried especially if you are seeing such warning for the first time. 

Its best to resolve this problem on time as it affects your “site’s crawleability” by Google’s adsence crawler bot. Although this situation does not have any negative ranking factor impact on your website, not resolving the adsence ad crawler errors will immediately begin to reduce your ad serving and your site’s revenue can begin to drop very very badly.

How I Resolved Adsence Monetization Ad Crawler Errors

The first time I experienced this problem, I searched for different solutions but couldn’t even figure out which one did resolve the problem as the effect didn’t just happen immediately. However, it was solved anyway.

The second time it happened, I took time to know the real cause and how to resolve it immediately and it just worked out fine for my case though! Here is a screenshot of the ad serving error:adsence ad crawler errors

What happened in my case? I actually edited a page URL, that is the permalink or slug if you like! The next day the warning pop up on my adsence dashboard. Then what should you do? Just click on action if you are set or dismiss if you want to do that later. After clicking on the action, you will see some thing like this below:adsence crawler blocked URL

the list of blocked URLs will be displayed under the blocked URLs, so this is a clue for you to make a “redirect” pointing to the blocked URLs or restore them back. In my case, I just checked the edited URL and restored it to what it was originally. e.g from “” back to the former one which is ““.

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