Card Level GSM Phone Parts And Their Functions

Haven gone through the Big and Small Parts of Mobile Phones and their Functions, in this lecture, we are going to learn about the Card Level GSM Phone Parts and their Functions.

These parts are the ones the average phone users will mostly interact with during daily usage as they may never even know what is actually under the cover aside the batteries and the card level GSM parts we are giving attention to in this update!
This parts under consideration are very crucial as they serve as interface between phones and their users. Let’s treat them one after the other.

GSM Phone Parts And Their Functions


As one of the GSM Phone Parts, the mouthpiece is a tiny electronic component in mobile phone that is also similar to what you would call a microphone. It is responsible for making the receiver on the other end of the ongoing call to hear you clearly. When this component or others that control it are affected, others will hear you faintly or won’t be able to hear you at all even if you scream with the whole of your strength, you would be wasting your energy. See all about phone mouthpiece solutions here.


This component may be three or four times bigger than the former; it is responsible for making it possible for you to hear your caller from the other end. Just like the mouthpiece, the resistance value of the earpiece can affected its output in terms of quality of sound amongst others. When the earpiece is faulty, you won’t hear anything no matter how loud your caller screams! All about phone earpiece solution is already covered here.

Ringers (Buzzers or Speakers):

As the name implies, these are the component GSM Phone Parts responsible for your phone alerting you with the set ringtone whenever there is an incoming call. It is bigger than the former two. When this component is faulty, you won’t hear your phone ring. Read about phone speaker problem solutions here.

GSM phone card level parts 2

Vibrator (Motor):

This is the component responsible for vibrations in a mobile phones. When this component becomes faulty, there will be no vibrations, and the vibrator will have to be changed or the controlling components associated with it. Though this component hardly develops fault.

SIM Card Readers:

The SIM card readers are also known as the SIM tray or slot. These are the component GSM phone parts that seats your SIM card properly allowing it to interface with the card reader pins and the SIM surface. When any of the pins are broken or damaged, their will be insert SIM problems and you will not be able to have network nor make calls unless the SIM card reader is properly replaced.

Memory Card Reader:

Just like the SIM card reader, the memory card reader also reads the memory card data by interfacing with pins. When the memory card pins or other components associated with it are damaged, there will be memory card reading problem resulting in phone’s inability to detect memory card. This problem can also be solved with proper troubleshooting.

Battery connector:

This hardware component comes in different shapes, sizes and designs; they are the interface or connecting point between phone and battery. The battery interface gets connected to battery connector or terminals on the phone to supply current voltage required to power up the mobile phone. When the pins or connecting unit are broken or damaged, there will be power problem. See also how to tackle dead phone power problem solution here.

GSM phone card level parts

Charging Ports:

Charging ports can be either pin or USB (universal serial bus) type. The “pin mouth” as it is fondly called, has just the positive and the negative terminals know as VBUS+ and GND-. On the other hand, the USB type can have morethan five pins. Typically, it is made up of VBUS, DM, DP, N and GND. Learn more about Phone USB charging problems solutions here.

Earphone Jack:

This is the port for insertion of removable external earphone. It is used for listening to sound without disturbing others, and can help when your phones regular earpiece or mouthpiece is faulty. When this jack is faulty, external earphone won’t work and can be repaired also.


This is the hardware component that captures graphic images during photography. It comes in different sizes, and strength measured in pixels. When it is damaged their will be blur camera issues or not working at all. This problem could be caused by hard fall, bad or corrupt software flashing, water damage et ceteral. It can also be fixed with good troubleshooting skill.

HDMI Port:

This port helps to establish a connection between smartphones and TV sets to offer great user experience. When this port or its pins and associate components are faulty, connection will be affected. It can also be fixed with good troubleshooting.

LCD Screen And Touchpad:

The LCD screen short for liquid crystal display and the touchpad makes it possible to have visualizations and be able to make imputes or commands through the touchscreen as one would use a computer keyboard. When the screen is damaged, there will be no good display or display at all.

The touchpad on the other hand can be affected by cracks, pressure et ceteral thereby making it impossible to inputs data. Read more about LCD screen and touchpad solutions here.

Network Cable:

The network cable or cord establishes the connection between one point of the network antenna to the other. It helps to boost signal and network reception. When the cord is damaged, there will be fluctuations or no network at all. Replacing the cord or doing a jumper solves the problem. Checkout how to fix Phone Network Problem here.

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